11.20.22 Hebrews: "There's Power in the Blood"
Hebrews: “There's Power in the Blood”
Hebrews 9:11-22
November 20, 2022
I. Jesus the High Priest
1. The need for an altar
2. The need for a sacrifice
3. The need to purify the high priest
4. This allowed the high priest to enter the holy of holies
II. Jesus the Mediator
III. Jesus the Lamb that was slain
1. Blood of a perfect sacrifice
2. Blood to enter the tabernacle
3. Blood to purify
4. Blood to inaugurate a covenant
Let’s Go Deeper:
1. Why is Jesus the perfect sacrifice for sins? Since Jesus did not need to ritually cleanse himself as the Levitical high priest did, how does this affect the security of your salvation?
2. In what ways does Jesus' example of unconditional atonement defy our cultures understanding of forgiveness and love?
3. How does Christ's role as our mediator differ from our culture's understanding of a mediator? Explain the folly of trying to strike a compromise with God.
4. Why is it necessary for Jesus to be born as a man and die for our sins? What does this necessity teach you about the costliness of your salvation? What does it teach about God's love for you?
5. What are some of the good gifts that Jesus has secured for you in the present and in for the future? Explain how you can be the benefactor and the recipient of these good gifts, even the future ones, right now.